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Epidemiology of atopic dermatitis in adults: Results from an international survey

Barbarot S, Auziere S, Gadkari A, Girolomoni G, Puig L, Simpson EL, Margolis DJ, de Bruin-Weller M, Eckert L

Date: 2018



The atopic march: Critical evidence and clinical relevance

Hill DA, Spergel JM

Date: 2018


Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol.

The prevalence of atopic dermatitis beyond childhood: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies

Abuabara K, Yu AM, Okhovat JP, Allen IE, Langan SM

Date: 2017



Health Care Resource Utilization and Costs Among Adults with Atopic Dermatitis in the United States: A Claims-Based Analysis

Drucker AM, Qureshi AA, Amand C, Villeneuve S, Gadkari A, Chao J, Kuznik A, Bégo-Le-Bagousse G, Eckert L

Date: 2017


J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract.

Efficacy of bleach baths in reducing severity of atopic dermatitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Chopra R, Vakharia PP, Sacotte R, Silverberg JI

Date: 2017


Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol.

Shared genetic origin of asthma, hay fever and eczema elucidates allergic disease biology

Ferreira MA, Vonk JM, Baurecht H, Marenholz I, Tian C, Hoffman JD, Helmer Q, Tillander A, Ullemar V, van Dongen J, Lu Y, Rüschendorf  F, Esparza-Gordillo J, Medway CW, Mountjoy E, Burrows K, Hummel O, Grosche S, Brumpton BM, Witte JS, Hottenga JJ, Willemesen G, Zheng J, Rodríguez E, Hotze M, Franke A, Revez JA, Beesley J, Matheson MC, Dharmage SC, Bain LM, Fritsche LG, Gabrielsen ME, Balliu B, Me Research Team, AAGC collaborators, BIOS consortium, LifeLines Cohort Study, Nielsen JB, Zhou W, Hveem K, Langhammer A, Holmen OL, Løset  M, Abecasis GR, Willer CJ, Arnold A, Homuth G, Schmidt CO, Thompson PJ, Martin NG, Duffy DL, Novak N, Schulz H, Karrasch S, Gieger C, Strauch K, Melles RB, Hinds DA, Hübner N, Weidinger S, Magnusson KE, Jansen R, Jorgenson E, Lee YA, Boomsma DI, Amqvist C, Karlsson R, Koppelman GH, Paternoster L

Date: 2017


Nat Genet.

Eczema treatment: it takes time to do no harm

Arents BWM

Date: 2017


Br J Dermatol.

Barriers and Facilitators to eHealth Use in Daily Practice: Perspectives of Patients and Professionals in Dermatology

Ariens LF, Schussler-Raymakers FM, Frima C, Flinterman A, Hamminga E, Arents BW, Bruijnzeel-Koomen CA, de Bruin-Weller MS, van Os-Medendorp H

Date: 2017


J Med Internet Res.

Systematic review of self-management interventions for people with eczema

Ridd MJ, King AJL, Le Roux E, Waldecker A, Huntley AL

Date: 2017


Br J Dermatol.

Treatment guidelines for atopic dermatitis by ISPD Task Force 2016

Dhar S, Parikh D, Rammoorthy R, Srinivas S, Sarkar R, Inamadar A, Shah M, Banerjee R, Kanwar AJ, Mendiratta V, George R, Gulati R

Date: 2017


Indian J Paediatr Dermatol.